Christian Motorcyclists Association South Africa
Changing this world one heart at a time!
CMA Information

CMA is an interdenominational organization whose primary focus is reaching the lost bikers of the world. CMA was originally started in the USA in 1975 and in SA in 1980 and has grown to include 38 nations around the world.
Today, CMA is working in the motorcycling community around the world with a common motto of being here if you need us. Our primary focus is developing relationships and serving those in the motorcycling community. We do this to show them God's love. We work with every avenue of motorcycling - motocross, cruisers (large motorcycles), dual sport, sport bikes, quads (four wheelers), and other areas in which motorcyclists congregate. Bike size and type are not important in CMA - following the calling of God into the area He has called you to is what matters.

Our Vision

Changing the world, one heart at a time.

Our Mission

To win motorcyclists, their families, and friends to Jesus Christ.

Banking Details
  • If you would like to support this Ministry financially, please find the banking details hereunder:
  • FNB
  • Account Number: 51420764099
  • Branch Code: 250655
All of you together are Christ’s Body, and each one of you is a part of it.
1 Cor 12:27